Wrongful Death

Few things in life are as heart-wrenching as the loss of a loved one. The pain is profound and, at times, incomprehensible. This anguish is compounded when the loss is attributed to the negligence or wrongdoing of a nursing home or assisted living facility—places entrusted to care for your loved one. In such instances, the grief is accompanied by a complex mix of emotions, including guilt and regret, especially for those who made the difficult decision to place their loved one in a facility.
It is important to emphasize that the decision to entrust the care of a loved one to a nursing home or assisted living facility is never an easy one. Families often face challenging circumstances, such as the increasing care needs of an aging loved one or their inability to provide the specialized care required. In these moments, choosing professional care is an act of love, driven by the sincere desire to ensure the comfort, safety, and well-being of the family member.
However, when tragedy strikes, and a loved one’s death is the result of negligence or misconduct within these care facilities, it is crucial to understand that the responsibility lies squarely on the shoulders of those who failed in their duty to provide adequate care. It is not the fault of family members who, out of love and concern, placed their trust in the hands of supposed healthcare professionals and those who oversee them.
Wrongful death in the context of nursing homes and assisted living facilities refers to situations where a resident's death is a result of the acts and/or omissions of staff (including management personnel and facility owners). This can encompass a range of issues stemming from abuse, neglect, and violations of recognized standards of care.
Families can pursue legal action and hold these facilities accountable for their actions or inaction, by seeking compensation for pain and suffering, medical expenses, funeral costs, emotional distress, and, in some cases, punitive damages. Families must understand that pursuing legal action is a courageous step towards accountability and ensuring that others do not suffer the same fate. By seeking legal redress, you give your loved one a voice.
If your loved one died due to the negligence of a nursing home or assisted living facility, contact the experienced attorneys at FIDJ, before it’s too late.