Limb amputations in nursing homes are alarmingly common, with many being preventable through proper care and treatment. Some factors that contribute to amputations in nursing homes include but are not limited to, negligently managed chronic illnesses like diabetes or peripheral vascular disease, inadequately treated bed sores and infections, preventable accidents, and unaddressed health issues.
​Bed Sores Can Lead to Amputation
Infected bedsores, also known as pressure sores or decubitus ulcers, can lead to amputations in elderly residents. These sores develop when individuals remain in the same position for extended periods, causing skin breakdown due to reduced blood flow. If left untreated, these wounds can become infected, potentially requiring amputation to prevent further spread of the infection.
Poorly Managed Diabetes Can Lead to Amputation
Poorly managed conditions like diabetes can lead to amputations due to nerve damage and compromised blood vessels. Damaged blood vessels lead to poor circulation and damaged tissue. Damaged tissue leads to skin breakdown and infection. Damaged nerves prevent a resident from recognizing and/or reporting otherwise painful injuries. If left untreated, these infections might require amputation to prevent further spread. It is incumbent upon nursing homes to, among other things, properly monitor diabetic residents, regularly check for signs and symptoms of skin breakdown, and ensure adequate and appropriate nutrition.
Poorly Managed Peripheral Vascular Disease Can Lead to Amputation
Poor management of Peripheral Vascular Disease (“PVD”) can also lead to amputations. PVD is a circulatory condition where narrowed blood vessels reduce blood flow to the limbs. Effective management of PVD in nursing homes requires a comprehensive approach that includes regular assessments, appropriate medical and nursing care, medication management, and proactive efforts to promote resident mobility and education. A breakdown in any of these areas or a delay in treatment can lead to a worsening of the disease, the development of complications, and, when faced with irreversible tissue damage, the need for amputation.
Gangrene Can Lead to Amputation
Gangrene is a dangerous and potentially fatal condition that happens when the blood flow to an area of tissue is cut off. This causes the tissue to break down and die. Gangrene often turns the affected skin a greenish-black color. If left untreated, gangrene can spread and lead to serious complications, including amputation.
Falls and Fractures Can Lead to Amputation
Traumatic events such as falls can lead to fractures, infections, and swelling. In some instances, the only viable intervention is amputation.
If you or your loved one sustained an amputation due to neglect care and/or treatment at a nursing home or assisted living facility, contact the experienced attorneys at FIDJ, before it’s too late.
*The information contained herein is not, and must not be construed as medical advice.